Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Modal Auxiliaries

1. Will -------- Future time --------- ( be going to )
       Study these sentences carefully!
  1. Anto will write a letter to his friend tomorrow.
  2. Dadang and Dudung will go to Bali next month.
  3. The students will have an examination next month.
New sentence
  1. Anto is going to write a letter to his friend tomorrow.
  2. Dadang and Dudung are going to go to Bali next month.
  3. The students are going to have an examination next month.
 2.Can --- ability, permission --- (be able to)
       Study these sentences carefully!
  1. The students can speak English well.
  2. Tina can make a beautiful craft.
  3. Tini and Tino can play chess well.
New sentence
  1. The students are able to speak English well.
  2. Tina is able to make a beautiful craft.
  3. Tini and Tino are able to play chess well.
  4. Are the students able to speak English well?
  5. Is Niki able to make a beautiful craft?
  6. Are Niko and Niku able to play chess well?
       Can --- permission --- (be permitted to)
       Study these sentences carefully!
  1. Rita can go to school by my motorcycle.
  2. The late students can join the lesson.
  3. Can I borrow your book?
New sentence
  1. Rita is permitted to go to school by my motorcycle.
  2. The late students are permitted to join the lesson.
  3. Am I permitted to borrow your book?
3. May --- permission ------- be permitted to
           possibility   ------- It is possible that …
       Study these sentences carefully!
  1. The visitors may come into the room.
  2. Tomi may watch the football match tonight.
  3. The students may have a holiday tomorrow.
New sentence
  1. The visitors are permitted to come into the room.
  2. It is possible that Tomi watch the football match tonight.
  3. It is possible that the students have a holiday tomorrow.
4. Must ----- necessity ----- ( have to )
               inference ----- ( I conclude that … )
       Study these sentences carefully!
  1. The students must study hard tonight.
  2. Lelly must take an English course.
  3. Sulastri must go to the market now.
  4. You must be a senior high school student.
New sentences
  1. The students have to study hard tonight.
  2. Lelly has to take an English course.
  3. Sulastri has to go to the market now.
  4. I conclude that you are a senior high school student.
5. Should ----- obligation, desirability ---- (ought to)
       Study these sentences carefully!
  1. Every student should read book everyday.
  2. The worker should report the result to the company.
  3. Sundari should send a message to her parents everyday.
New sentence
  1. Every student ought to read book everyday.
  2. The worker ought to report the result to the company.
  3. Sundari ought to send a message to her parents everyday.